

If you would like to plan out how your academic plan will look, you can utilize the 你的四年学习计划. 四年计划可以是一个有用的工具 规划.

这个四年计划是一个 推荐 schedule to complete your bachelor’s degree in 4 years. 每个皇冠app官方版下载的学生都必须见面 the following requirements in order to graduate with a bachelor’s degree: earn a minimum of 120 semester credit hours; possess a minimum of a 2.累计平均绩点00; have at least 31 credit hours in courses designated as 文科 Curriculum; meet all degree requirements in the student’s major field of study. 每个专业和/或集中 may have additional requirements necessary for graduation.

Students must consult with their major advisor to receive information on any additional 毕业要求.